It is the 29th day of #KozhinHussein and #BahroozArash’s hunger strike in the prison of Moria. Today is my 28th day of hunger strike in Mytilini square. We are on hunger strike to protest the wide spread injustice being carried out in Europe against the ‘refugeless’ refugees.
I doubt you have made an effort to give a thought to the events that unfolded here two days ago when 200 riot police invaded Moria Camp at 6 o´clock in the morning. They targeted the people who did not have their ‘ausweiss’ for whatever reason. They targeted people who had been rejected in their intervews. They targeted people who they suspected of being involved in the demonstrations. These people were all arrested and sent to prison. I have heard that there are 18 African women among the people who were deported. They were all sent to the detention center. I do not know if you saw the pictures I posted a few days ago. I photographed some children who are victims of the war. They were only half dressed, dressed from the wait down. They did not look clean. They were working. They were picking up garbage from the ground. There was a child among them carrying a wheelbarrow in front of the staff from EURO-RELIEF. I photographed them and published them on my social media. My social media has 20000 members. I wonder if you saw them or not. Did you know that they deport dozens of refugees everyday? These refugees who are VICTIMS OF THE WAR. Refugees who have fled from dictatorships and dangerous living conditions. Refugees who have sought refuge from you. Refugees who are being deported in complete silence by the police and the UN. Refugees who are deported without care for the security of their lives back in their respective countries. You have no excuse not to know about this as I have very carefully posted about these atrocities every day. These posts have been shared amongst my 20000 followers. However, only a handfull of people have reacted. Less than one hundred people have reacted. For me this shows how indifferent society has become. This is dangerous. This shows a lack of conscienceness and a lack of general morality in society. A society that is declining more and more everyday, where it is becoming totally indifferent and ignorant towards the injustice, the violence, the war, the humiliation, and the immorality.
While I feel that the water and the energy crisis are indeed threatening the world; the decline in morale, the indefference and the immorality of society is threatening our society even more.
Am I bullshitting? Yes that is true, I am indeed bullshitting. I have not eaten anything for 28 days. We have expected your protection but you have left us alone in prison, in a place of torture. I am well, but do not believe in this lie. If I was well I would not write about this suffering. Instead of suffering I would talk abundantly about the beauty of Greece and the picturesque Greek Islands.
My statements are all similar. My screams and my complaints are all similar to each other. I repeatedly say them. It is so tiring for both you and for me.
I do not feel that the water crisis and the energy crisis are as dangerous as the moral, indifference and ignorance crisis of the world.
I won´t talk any more about those things today. I would like to share some beautiful events that have occured in the last two days while on this touristic, mythological and civilised island.
Kozhin Hussein and Bahrooz Arash are in a very bad condition right now. In fact, they are in a very dangerous condition. Those two people need your attention now. The least you can do is publish their photo and the news you hear about them. This is the least an ally can do. Do whatever you like, be with them or don’t, demonstrate you solidarity with them or don’t. In any event we will press on in our loneliness. We will continue our dance with death untill the day Bahrooz and Kozhin are free. You can free them, or you can send three more people to their death by your own hand. We believe that it is better to die while standing upright, than living on our knees.
I remember my mother. My pureminded mother who said goodbye to me with an ease of mind. She said “Go, they respect human rights there. I am sure the people and the state won´t hurt you. They won´t imprison you or torture you”. That time you were wrong my dear mother, my beloved angel